Winter in Montreal
While some members in Australia are basking in 113 degrees F, in Montreal this is what we got on December 28, 2012Filling hundreds of dump trucks with the precious white flakes.Roofs of homes and...
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I guess I feel very fortunate to live where I do. we have some snow annually, but nothing at all like that.That cold looks exhausting to me....
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We sure need some of that here in the US Midwest. We're in a drought and have only had a few inches - we need several feet to put a dent in the drought. They've stopped barges on the Mississippi...
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NancyWhy are you hogging all the snow? You are well ahead of us here, too. LOLUsually we have about 3-4 feet by now, but only have a bout a 1-2 feet so far.But it's only the beginning of January....I...
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Yesterday we got up to 14 inches of new snow. I should have kept my big mouth shut. Cheryl in snowy Cle Elum, Wa. PS...not even the big garbage trucks could get around. Our pick-up day is Monday. My...
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Winter fun in MontrealMy son and friends enjoying the snow.Nancy
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Look how clear the sky is in the top photo! I notice that here, too, after it snows and the clouds are gone. It is a wonderfully fresh atmosphere - thanks, Nancy
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Just 6 inches of snow on the ground here, and that shrunk today with temps in the hight 40's F...that's warm for Montana!! But the cold is coming tonight and tomorrow, and some areas (not here,...
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Nancy, have you gotten a new camera??? Your photos, for quite a while now, have been exceptionally clear and beautiful! :) I myself went back to my old camera, and I have noticed the photos seem a bit...
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